It's finally feeling like FALL here in Texas! The boys and I took a drive out to Celina last Saturday to the Giant Orange Pumpkin Farm.

There's something so relaxing about getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city and seeing miles of wide open farm land. Although, I will say I couldn't see myself driving 30 minutes into town just to get some ice cream or diapers, for that matter!
When we arrived, I couldn't help but notice the property owners' new house.

Here's one of Nikolas picking out the perfect pumpkin.
There's something so relaxing about getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city and seeing miles of wide open farm land. Although, I will say I couldn't see myself driving 30 minutes into town just to get some ice cream or diapers, for that matter!
When we arrived, I couldn't help but notice the property owners' new house.
I was immediately drawn to how comforting and welcoming it seemed. It looked like a house they'd use to photograph the fall edition of a Pottery Barn catalog. You know the one...with pictures of toddlers dressed in $60 Halloween costumes, bobbing for apples on a porch a mile long strewn with lanterns and harvest decor? The kind of house that makes you wanna peek in all the windows for a better look! I became mesmerized and bounded off from our "family moment" to get a closer look and take pictures.
My Lightbulb Moment (as Oprah would say)
I realized in that moment, while tromping through the mud field, that I had finally defined my personal style. I love the "look" of vintage, but I'm a girl who likes modern conveniences in my newly built, energy efficient house.
I also realized that I've come a long way from the contemporary, urban look of Tres and I's first apartment, decked out in all it's "particle board, ready-to-assemble furniture" glory!
Now that I'm a mother, I feel a sense of wanting more out of my house than just "a look." I want substance. I want to create memories in this cozy, warm HOME with my boys.
It's not just a "house" but a place that conjures up feelings.....our soft place to land after a long day at work and school.
Sigh...I was abruptly pulled out of my sweet day dream and smacked back into reality as my 3 year old handed me his cold, half-eaten hot dog and pulled me towards the bounce house.
Our Saturday at the Pumpkin Farm.
On the can train with his best buddies...

My boys feeding a hungry goat.

Hope you do something to celebrate fall this month!
Drumroll, Please.....
My favorite pic of the day....Nikolas pouting because I was taking his picture too much.
Hope you do something to celebrate fall this month!
Kristen :-)